Eastern Districts Seed Cleaning Co.
Kellerberrin, Western Australia
Eastern Districts Seed Cleaning Co.
Kellerberrin, Western Australia

Eastern Districts Seed Cleaning Co
are specialists in small and large seed
processing for retained seed or contract grading

Servicing the Kellerberrin and Wheatbelt area since 1977 with exceptional seed cleaning, grading and dressing services.
Grading your seed for planting next season is the most important part of a successful farming program.​
Using the experience and knowledge gathered over many years, EDSCO can expertly clean all your wheat, oats, barley, peas, beans, canola, sub clovers and serradellas ready for you to produce the quality crops you desire.
The aim of farmers is to consistently produce quality crops with the biggest yield and having a professionally applied quality seed dressing will discourage diseases and also enhance crop development.​
Margurita, Cadiz and Fran2o Serradella retained seed can be processed back to bare seed or Pod to a very high quality.
Canola retained seed can be graded to required size.
Inoculation and treatment also available upon request for all varieties of seed.
Contact our friendly staff for all your grading and seed dressing requirements.